DroneID Is Dangerous, Disable it.

Disable my DroneID

Why is DroneID Dangerous?

Drone ID is not encrypted, Anyone with the right kit (or an aeroscope) can pluck the packets out of the air and determine alot of data about you, data suchas your position when you took off, where your drone is, and your drones unique id among other things. This is information that can potentially be used against you.
For more reading on this subject, please see these articles by The Verge
DJI insisted drone-tracking AeroScope signals were encrypted — now it admits they aren't.

Don't be found

With an hidden DroneID, you can't be tracked, you keep your anonymity.

Is this safe?

Yes, however, It's not entirely tested yet. Please exercise caution.

How much does it cost?

R3SPOND is completely free!
❤️ D3VL.

Frequently Asked Questions

No The software simply sends a command to your DJI Drone that will disable the DroneID

No The modification makes no permanent change to your DJI Drone. A factory reset ensure it's been fully reverted.

No The only change made to your DJI drone is the DroneID Flags


  • Ensure you are running Chrome version 89 or Edge version 89 or above
  • Restart your web browser
  • Follow all the steps in the guide exactly

Got more questions? Drop us an email -> [email protected]
We'll reply as soon as possible!

This software is based on the awesome research and work of CIAJeepDoors.
A special shout out to Joonas from fpv.wtf for assisting in the testing of this software.